I believe that as a composer and music producer it is very important to be updated in the latest compositional techniques. Most people would find many of these as ugly sounding or too dissonant. But I really listen to them thinking of how could I apply some of those weird sounding noises to my music. I also many times find some beautiful sounding textures that could totally serve as a lush bed of sound for some catchy melodies. Here is an example of what I'm talking about. Vortex Temporum by Gérard Grisey, explores the spectral characteristic of sound produced by acoustic instruments and applies it to all of the composition. Like in colour, where many colours can be found mixed in one colour, the same happens in music, where many notes are sounding within one note of an acoustic instrument. To fully understand what I'm talking about one should look into sound spectrum and music harmonics. In this piece one can listen how the composer chose to highlight this quality of music. The result is a music that I find very radiant sounding with very sharp dissonances. I truly found some of the aspects of this music very beautiful and really think could serve well in some of the more mainstream music of our time. I hope some of you find this inspiring to look into contemporary writing techniques and apply it to your music!